I use mine for both detail and large areas.
I don't use the siphon feed bottle very often, anymore. There are two reasons for this. I like to use the lowest pressure I possibly can, so I use the Badger snap in paint cup, since it is "almost" a real gravity feed, I can use lower pressure than with a bottle.
I like to keep the spray pattern fairly small, even for large areas, to cut overspray down to the least possible amount. (I learned that when I first came to FSM forums) When you use very low pressure, Acrylics, and a narrow spray pattern, you don't need the bigger volume of the siphon bottle, the gravity cup is enough volume.
Drewe Manton posted this link over on the 72ndScaleAircraft forum, he intended to show us how quickly an airbrush can be cleaned,,,but, it illustrates how much coverage you can get from a small volume of paint, with very little overspray www.youtube.com/watch
So, for me, it is now, low pressure, small volume, low overspray, with quick airbrush cleaning,,,,,,,,,,soooo much more fun than when I first started with lots of paint, high pressure and clouds of paint everywhere, lol
hope this is of some help