I'm working on my first model (HueyHog) in many years and am having problems with decanting spray lacquer. I am using Tamiya Ts-28 Olive Drab lacquer spray for the body, and decanted some into a glass jar and let it de-gas overnight. There is now a light tan/beige pigment settled in the bottom of the jar. I have tried to stir it back into the paint, but it won't budge.
My guess is that now the paint in the jar won't match the spray. The whole reason for doing this is so my brushwork will match parts that are sprayed. I have tried to find Tamiya OD lacquer in a bottle, but I don't believe they make it that way.
Several questions:
Is this settling something that is normal and won't affect the color?
Is there any way to prevent this settling?
If I use lacquer for the spraywork and acrylic for the brushwork (both Tamiya OD), will the difference in types of paint used be noticeable? Asking this question in a different way...Once a model is complete, is it possible to tell if it is painted with lacquer, or acrylic?