Check out Sears Craftsman 2hp 150psi 4gal pancake compressors, main pressure gauge and adjustable regulator pressure gauge built in will cost you considerably less than any one that will state for air-brush use. Main use would be for air nail guns, but perfect for air-brush use and don't cost an arm & leg.

Painted very many custom cars and semi's I owned in my 72 yrs and that is the only way to go to have a constant flow of air, whether it be air tools, painting, air brush use. My garage has a 60gal tank 6hp 220vac made by Sandborn and my finished attic where my HO layout is and model building, I have a Craftsman 4gal pancake tank as above, without any problem's what so ever, going on 20yrs now. At the time I spent 149.00 for it.

I don't post much at all on this site, I'm usually on the MRR site...but I have built many Military Diorama's over the years. 1/35th scale, some 1/72.

Take Care! Big Smile
