So, I have another paint question for everyone. I am in the final stages of painting my Zvezda 787 in United livery. I am working on some minor blemishes on the engines and went to re-spray the gloss white. Initially I had sprayed everything out of the rattle can and it had a very nice finish. This time, I had decanted the white so that I could spray it through the airbrush. Everything went smoothly as far as decanting, I even let the container sit slightly uncovered for over 24 hours to let the propellant gases escape and bleed off. I had also decanted some MM Pure White at the same time into another container.
Last night I went to spray the Tamiya white and when I picked up the container, the bottom had started to leak, obviously there is something in the paint that reacted with the container and softened the plastic. When I purchased the containers they stated that they were compatible with various paint types, obviously not Tamiya though.
Those are just minor issues. The biggest issue is that the paint will not dry, I painted it early last evening, and this morning I checked on it and it is still tacky. Is is possible that the plastic of the container may have reacted with the paint itself and will not let it dry? I'm trying to figure out how to remove it all now and redo it.