I have a GREX GGS1 handle for my Iwata CS, makes it a lot easier to 'ahem' handle, means I can hold it comfortably.
You can also use the threaded bit on the end to adjust the trigger spring pressure, learned that on a hobby club a/b awayday masterclass.
From memory, the Azteks have a chunky handle which should help the hold, but the one time I tried one, I couldn't get on with it.
I know of one guy who uses a 'standard' layout a/b, but instead of holding it like a pen, finger on top trigger, he holds it like a pointy stick, body in the hand, trigger under the thumb. Works for them.
Grex, Iwata & several other companies make trigger action like this Tritium TG3 I have a cheapo version from ebay, about $20-$25 bucks, haven't used it yet.
Try a local club, or a hobby show, my local one has 2 stockists who are happy to have a couple of demo brushed to try,
good luck