Start with looking for the colours you need, and what you can get locally.
No point in reading about rainbow colours made from Unicorn horn, but has to be thinned with Unobtanium on a full moon night.
AS BS214 says above everyone has their own favourite, & will rabidly defend it, often against all the evidence. (as I do, lol)
I have paints from virtually all the ranges available, what I use depends on what colour I need to paint, & what I've got in the paintbox.
E.G., Hannants XtraAcrylics for WW2 British planes, Vallejo OD Primer & Tamiya OD for US WW2 Armour, Tsamiya for NATO schemes, etc.
Each Mfrs paint behaves differently, even sometimes between different colours in the same range, & therefore needs to be handled differently.
The best option would be to narrow the options to what you can get locally,
re-post with I can get X and Y ranges, & want to paint (example) ...
what you think...
& how do I...
Then get the Same Mfrs Recommeded thinners, retardents, flow enhancers, etc, (before you start following kitchen sink chemistry experiments), then practice with a junk/scrap/practice model.
good luck