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Any particular brush out there that really stands out as an all round capable unit?
I think the one that stands out is the one you try and really like. I think there's a lot of 'personal preference' to selecting an airbrush. No matter what you buy, if it doesn't look right, doesn't feel right, trigger position/pressure not right and/or is hard for YOU to clean/maintain, you wom't be happy using it no matter the brand. Iwata and Badger seem to be the most recommend brand on this forum but there are others including H&S, Grex, and, yes, even the Master brand. I have several airbrushes but my personal preference is the H&S Evolution but I don't think it's particularly a 'stand out', it just fits ME and it's the one always attached to my compressor! I won't list all reasons I like the H&S but a critical one is ease of access to nozzle and nozzle size ( physical size, not spray diameter). IMHO decide what you want in an AB then fiind the brand that fits - it will be YOUR all around capable AB, My 2 .