- Member since
February 2016
Master Airbrush Needle/Nozzle Alternatives *Epiphany*
So after an huge oops on my bench last evening, i bent my needle beyond my ability to repair it. It was the standard .02 needle that most master brushes come with. Didnt mind it, but i had been doing research to find a larger nozzle and needle for larger area coverage with no avail. Today at Hobby Lobby i was looking at the wavious Paasche and Iwata nozzles when i realizes the Iwata NEO nozzles looked awfully familiar...
So if you didnt know... Iwata NEO Needles and Nozzles will work in Master G22 Series brushes. This is exciting for me, because now I can just buy them at the store instead of online. Also allows for more customization of coverage on a lower budget brush.
OTB: 1/32 P-47D #228382, 1/24 AMG GT3 "Battlefield 1",
"Semper en Hostes"
"Ne Desit Virtus"