My Aztek 4709 is really easy to use. I like the built-in needle adjustment which allows you to use it as a single action - great for long sessions. A big problem is that it just doesn't produce good results. The spray pattern is too big for fine detail work. I use it for base and clear coats only.
My Badger 360 is too much of a compromise for me. It will do everything well, but the trigger action is way too sensitive. Trying to paint fine lines for shading requires really tiny trigger movements which are beyond my ageing finger's abilities. A great airbrush if you can handle it.
My Iwata Eclipse SBS is my favourite. It is smoother than the Badger, and the trigger is less sensitive. The needle has a slower taper, so the trigger movements are larger. With the addition of a preset handle I have an airbrush that is as easy to use as the Aztek and that can achieve the results of the Badger.