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testors floquil thinner vs. testors thinner

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    July 2016
testors floquil thinner vs. testors thinner
Posted by Zardoz_K on Thursday, August 4, 2016 7:44 AM


Is there a major difference between the testors floquil thinner and regular testors thinner?


I purchased two 8oz cans of this thinking it was a better deal (with coupon) for thinning enamel paints.  Not long ago I was at another store and noticed the smaller glass jars of floquil thinner and it was yellowish/brownish in color.   I tried researching this stuff and I keep finding that it is used for thinning lacquer paint?  The bottle does say can be used for enamel but is it safe for airbrush and plastic airbrush (testors aztek).  Does anyone know if this thinner will affect the color of the paint after mixing?  How about over time or in sunlight?  Would this make the paint solution more aggressive on plastic?  Would you not recommend using this stuff with regular testors enamel paints and just use the clear (colorless) thinner?



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