I agree that some adjustments should be made, but any formulaic approach is not justifiable.
1. Tinting strength varies from color to color. So adding 10% white will have a different effect on red than it will on, well, any other color.
2. Adding white isn't always the best way to lighten a color. Too much white can make some colors look powdery and dull. I prefer to lighten olive drab by adding yellow ochre.
Think about building an SR-71 in 1/144 scale. If you add 72% white to black, you will get a medium to light gray. That won't look right on an SR-71.
So how much to lighten will depend on many factors. You may also have to consider that the lighting will be different in each venue you display your model in. That may have more effect on perceived color than scale effect.
It will be a matter of training your eye to see what looks right on your model. Myself, I only worry about the dark colors: black, olive drab, navy blue, etc.