Does it really matter what is in the Mig bottle. If you can achive the same results with cheap hair spray then save your money. I have been modeling for a long time, well before all the "fancy" weathering products and can achive the same results.
Chipping: hair spray, cheap masking fluids and table salt
Streaking-stains-washes: cheap oil paints or enamel paints
Weathering powders: cheap artists chaulks scraped with a sharp blade
Pre cut masks: a steady hand, rulers and templates/guides and sharp blade cutting on glass
Thinners: $5 a gallon for enamel and laquer thinners
Squadron/tamiya seam putty and others: a giant tube of bondo for $5, thinned with acetone/nail polish remover
I could go on and on.
I am not bashing on these products as I am all for capitalism, and if they have figured out a way to repackage basic supplies into fancy bottles, more power to them but I have been building models for years without having to buy any of these products and can achive the same results.