I'm one of those haters. First, because they have terrible bonding qualities and will lift when masking is removed. You have to use a solvent type primer to give Acryl a bite into the surface. At least for me, it airbrushes LOUSY specially on tight small mottling. I'm an enamel user and have no issues with the MM enamel line. The few Acryl bottles I have are used as a last resort otherwise I skip them.
Tamiya acrylics spray pretty close to enamels cause they are not true acrylics and can be thinned with LT. I also tried Vallejo Model Air which needs to be thinned even though they say it's not required. It sprays kind of ok and has a HUGE color selection.
I've heard of great things about Mission Model acrylic paints and will eventually give them a try also.