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Airbrushing Mig Ammo paint - what am I missing?

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    December 2017
Airbrushing Mig Ammo paint - what am I missing?
Posted by KyleBragger on Saturday, July 28, 2018 1:36 PM

Typically use Tamiya or Gunze Aqueous, usually with Mr. Leveling Thinner, but decided to give Mig Ammo a whirl, since while I have a pretty robust exhaust system, 3M mask, etc., I still don't love the idea of spraying Mr. Leveling multiple times per week (I do a lot of painting.)

So, I picked up a couple Mig Ammo colors and figured I'd give it a whirl. Read up on how folks were using it -- set my compressor to 15-20psi, using with an 0.35mm Iwata HP-CS, straight from the bottle as directed. 

Tried one of the Russian 4BO green colors first, and sprayed using their suggested technique of mist -> many light coats. Went on mostly fine, just took a lot of layers to get coverage, but as expected got a lot of tip dry very quickly. I then sprayed Cremeweiss and it was like it was just shooting pigment out of the airbrush. I played around with pressure and distance, same thing.

While they mention thinner compatability with their thinner (which I have), it seemed to me that they're generally good right out of the bottle. I even poured a little into a mixing cup just to check the consistency and it looked fine, i.e. that skim milk look.

What am I missing? I've seen countless Youtube videos of folks having a fine time with it, I followed all the recommended settings, etc...

Tags: acrylic , mig ammo , Paint
  • Member since
    August 2012
  • From: Parker City, IN.
Posted by Rambo on Saturday, July 28, 2018 3:22 PM
Mig and ak paints have to be mixed very well they tend to settle in the bottom of the bottle. I have the same Iwata as you but changed mine to .5mm you can get the same spray pattern with the slightly larger size with improved paint flow.



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