Today is going just great. First the daughter broke the screen on her iPhone, then I seem to have suffered a disaster on my current project related to the Krylon Gloss Black I was painting.
The kit is not a cheap one, the Tamiya P-51D Mustang in 1/32.
I decanted a bottle of the Krylon and poured it into the airbrush cup. I started with the gun bay panels, a smaller piece, and noticed it seemed not terribly glossy on the surace of those parts. I proceeded to the nose of the 'Stang, same lack of gloss. Then I noticed some actual graying, for lack of a better word, when I started along the wing root. The paint also looked rather grainy, and not really like a gloss paint at all, and I swiped at it with my thumb. It scraped off easily.
I stupidly then sprayed some of the Krylon directly from the rattle can onto the 'Stang, which of course resulted in far too thick a coating, and to compound that problem, I used a towel to try to wipe it off. No can do. Now I am left with this awful, rough spot along the fuselage.
I would like to attempt to strip all this Krylon from the model, but I have no idea how to go about that. I typically use lacquer thinner to clean up after a painting session, so I expect that medium would remove the paint, but I'm afraid it would remove plastic as well. Same thing with acetone. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I should do now? I really do not want to deep six this kit, given its cost but also I was doing a pretty dang good job with it up to this point.