I get it, some folks may want to give a model car that "it's being restored" look and finish an auto kit like it's simply waiting for a new paint job. But the company should have made that more clear on the bottle. I hope it didnt ruin your project!
That is exactly my understanding of why the color exists, if the stuff I've read about it over the years is correct. Right or wrong, I can attest that if the bottled stuff really is supposed to be a real primer, it most certainly doesn't work. (and as I alluded to, the Testors primer in the rattle can IS a real primer and works just fine).
Nice of you to ask about the fate of my project. I was a newbie here at the time, and everybody helped me salvage the project. It remains one of my favorite 'builds' to this day, and a real testamonial to the value of all the knowledge and good folk here.
Good luck with your priming and modeling adventures.