QUOTE: Originally posted by kik36
It is way brown. That's odd. I definately like the second one better. Are those resin pieces? |
No, these are from the 1/48 Hasegawa Aircraft Weapons: D set.
QUOTE: I know what I wanted to ask you. I remember you were having a problem with a 'lip" on your wing, where one side was slightly higher where you glued the joint. I'm having the same problem with my Corsair. IT's not too terrible, just enough to bug me. What did you end up doing for that? |
I masked off the detail I didn't want to lose and sanded the area. It came out fairly well.
Next time I will pay even better attention to that area.
QUOTE: I sent a friend of mine from a suburb near Frisco to your Bass fishing link, he's getting into that. Where do you go out for that? |
There are multiple places to fish here in Nor Cal.
The Delta is one, there is also Clear Lake, Lake Berryessa, Don Pedro Res, New Melones Res, etc.
QUOTE: And one more thing!! LOL Midway is on the History Channel right now!! I've never seen it (don't flog me!!) Just in case you were interested.
The movie Midway? I haven't seen that in years. I remember seeing it in what they called, "Sensurround sound" back when I was a kid. It was awesome.
Thanks for your input buddy.
“Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not
to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools
for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know
how to use knowledge is to have wisdom. " Charles Spurgeon