...people say you can't brush Tamiya paints...
Yeah, people are wrong
I paint toy soldiers, and among other brands, I use Tamiya acrylics. I learned that to hand-brush Tamiya acrylic paints, it's necessary to thin them. Once I figured that out, I got as good results as I get with water-based acrylics, like Andrea, or Vallejo Model Color, or craft-store acrylics.
In my own experience, I found that Tamiya's acrylics brush best when I use Tamiya's proprietary acrylic thinner. Same as I would to airbrush them. I tried other thinners-water, and isopropyl-but still had the issues I had before I tried thinning the paint. Some colors would clump, some would lift a previous coat off. But thinned, I have no problems. And I can lay down coats as thin as if they were airbrushed.
I use two techniques to thin them. I will either put a bit of a color in a well on my ceramic palette, and then add a couple of drops of the thinner. Or I will pick up the paint on my brush (eg, a 0 round), then dip it into a jar of the thinner, and then apply it to the piece.
Otherwise, I use water-based acrylics and a wet palette, for hand-painting.
Hope that helps!