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Can someone explain how Gunze Mr. Hobby colors work?

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  • From: Somewhere near Chicago
Can someone explain how Gunze Mr. Hobby colors work?
Posted by Teenage Modeler on Monday, June 12, 2023 10:25 AM

Hey all, I've had this question on my mind for a little bit. I've always been a Tamiya fanboy for a while, so basically all of my paints are from Tamiya. 

So, if you are wondering why I am asking this question, this is because Tamiya's clear coat line, I feel, is quite lacking. There are only 3 clear coat sheens (flat, satin, gloss) and a Laquer Spray that I don't feel using because it's not cost-effective.


Mr. Hobby, on the other hand, has a huge array of paints, and they are lacquer and acrylic. I have heard they make good clear coats, particularly the Mr. Hobby Clear UV Cut gloss clear coat, which catched my eye.


Here are my few problems.

1.) Can you mix these with Tamiya X20A Acrylic Thinner? I do not have their lacquer thinner.

2.) Can you spray the Mr Hobby clear on top of Tamiya Acrylics with the Self-Leveling thinner? The body that I will be painting has a base coat of Tamiya TS-54 Lacquer, so it shouldn't be a big problem. I am asking on behalf of acrylics, though.

3.) Any other things to share about Mr. Color (Hobby)?


Thanks for your time, guys. I do not have any experience at all with Mr. Color paints, so your feedback is much appreciated.


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Posted by stikpusher on Monday, June 12, 2023 11:10 AM

Had a nice thorough reply typed up, but the pop up induced glitch killed it, and I'm not going to retype it all... sorry TM.

in a nutshell, I'll say find a different product based on my experience.


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Posted by oldermodelguy on Monday, June 12, 2023 11:13 AM

Mr Aqueous is their acrylic line. Mr Color is the lacquer line. Either line can be thinned with Mr Leveling Thinner as can Tamiya X and XF acrylic or LP lacquers. All can be thinned with hardware store lacquer thinner as well.

Now that said, there is nothing wrong with Tamiya X-22 clear gloss. Try the lacquer thinner in it to thin it, it makes for a harder surface ( according to Tamiyas site,not just my words but their own). Mix it around 50-50, build three coats from light to medium,let each flash off then put down two good wet coats, you should get a nice gloss. And if it's not quite enough just buff it up from there. But with that said the Gunze clear should work fine over all these paints as well. So will the X-22.

I've also thinned the X-22 with straight denatured alcohol. It looks like a fail on the first couple of coats but by the 5th coat the shine comes on. Remember the clear is quite thinned out so the coats even when wet aren't real thick. With DNA it flows out like crazy so shoot a bit further away on the first couple of coats to build a base. DNA makes it flow out smooth as a baby's butt, no sign of orange peel at all. But you do have to watch out for running.

Also heat setting helps flash the coats thus the improved gloss by those last wet coats, even a hair dryer helps but dehydrator is awesome.

By the way, with acrylic colors I flash each coat with a hair dryer as well. The first coat with acrylic paint is just a dust coat, I flash that for sure. It's the building foundation for all remaining coats. With color I usually go 3 coats, sometimes 4 depending how it was thinned.

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Posted by keavdog on Monday, June 12, 2023 11:21 AM

Big fan of Mr Color thinned with their leveling thinner for airbrushing.  As testors disapears I'm investing in this line.

For clears I used Future for gloss decal prep and Testors dullcoat for flat.  I'm just getting started with Speedokote 2K clear coat for super high gloss automotive stuff.



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Posted by Real G on Monday, June 12, 2023 12:16 PM

In a nutshell, best not to mix Gunze lacquer with acrylics.  Gunze's lacquer clear coats may cause Tamiya paints to crack or bubble.

I have friends who use Tamiya acrylics thinned with alcohol, and they get great results.  I am a enamel/lacquer guy though, so I cannot offer any more useful information.

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  • Member since
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Posted by keavdog on Monday, June 12, 2023 12:36 PM

I found this a helpful easy reference




  • Member since
    January 2021
  • From: Somewhere near Chicago
Posted by Teenage Modeler on Monday, June 12, 2023 1:38 PM

Thank you all for the wonderful replies!

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