I stopped tonight and picked up several bottles of Mr. Color paints for the Thud, but I am far from ready to start that project. Just me, when I decide I want something, it's got to be today.
I am painting several cars and trucks using the little square bottles of paint. I think they work great for auto finishes but I have yet to master that glossy finish.
I will have to check out those MRP paints on my next project. They sound promising!
I wonder if you all are familiar with a couple of other paints I have found. One is MCW finishes. I found them when I went looking for paint for a 60's Pontiac engine as the market for the MM paint had dried up, I also found a green-gold for painting carburetors plus just found a texture paint for creating vinyl tops. I'm going to have to try it for a 1968 Chevelle project I am doing as I actually had one - a red Supersport with a black vinyl top.
The other paint I found is True North Paint. I found an offering of SAC bomber tan because the market for the MM version had also dried. Someday, I'm going to finish that Monogram B-52 Big, Bad and Beautiful kit!