I agree with saltydog's post completely.
The Anthem 155 is an awesome airbrush and I love it but the points that saltydog made are right on the money.
Also remember that because of the siphon-feed design you will have to paint the model at a different angle than you do with a gravity-feed.
With the gravity-feed models you can put the aircraft model on a surface and shoot the airbrush straight down onto the top of the wings and such for freehand camo paint jobs and such. Now if you use a siphon-feed for the same paint job you would have to use a bottle under the airbrush with a lot of paint in it to be able to spray down at that angle. I prefer the metal, 1/4 oz color cups in a siphon-feed for modeling but you can't tip the airbrush forward much more than 45 degrees or so or you will have paint spilling out of the cup. [:0]
So it all boils down to these factors. I like the ability to be able to paint down onto the model with a gravity-feed but if you use a siphon-feed and a metal color cup then you are going to have to paint it with the model in one hand and the airbrush in the other, or devise a special holder to hold the model at the angle you want it.
If you want it strictly for modeling then I would buy the Omni 4000 or 5000 or another gravity-feed, but if you want to get into other things with the airbrush later such as T-shirt airbrushing and only want one airbrush then the Anthem 155, or Omni 3000 would be the one to get.
“Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not
to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools
for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know
how to use knowledge is to have wisdom. " Charles Spurgeon