QUOTE: i could care less about a 4-wheel drive, don't even own a firearm except for a benjamin pellet gun i got when i was a kid, i dont have pieces of cars lying around in my yard (though my brother does), i have no desire to hunt, fish, modify my engine in any way, shape or form, dont like country music, dont go near rivers much at all or go camping, nor do i care to. i dont care that much for racing either. yes, i check up on matt kenseth and tony stewart because i love DeWalt tools and buy most of them at Home Depot. but, i do speak the language fluently |
Hmm... sounds like there are several "labels" that one have to wear for being a redneck.
That is so true even here in Israel.
I was born in Israel, my girlfriend (Not the new Japanese girl...
) was born in the Ukraine. In1991 Many Russian (Jews mostly) came to Israel after the breakup of the Soviet unione, Now days there nomber is about 1.6 Millione.
She speaks Russian with her mom and dad, she speaks hebrew with me. We are two completly different people yet we communicate like we know each other for years.
My parents were born in Moroco and Tunisia(!). "Usually" people like me should were a dark skin. Not dark brown but more of a dark tan. I am the complete opposite. I am very white with green eyes, so no one can tell my true origin since I'm not in the "Standardly-expected-look".
To Israeli eyes, I'm beeing mistakin as when one sees me he will automaticly "Label" me as a
Russian born.
Even Russian born are beeing missled and speak to me in Russian.
For some sad and stupid reason, it's allways "important" to know where youre parents were born and where do you live.
How stupid is that?!?!?!
Israel is a complete mix up of people from all over the world. Since the 1950's people from Europe (Polish, Rumanian, Turkish, French, and so on...) and people from Yemen Iraq Iran Moroco Algere Libya Egypt Tunisia and on and on... came to israel.
The nomber of combinations here is endless! Yet from one unexplainable reason we divide and label.
Ofcourse that everything here is in a good spirit cause after all you are all americans, and the 4th of july is just around the corner
so you'd better be friends...
But I just wanted to show you guys that there is no way of escaping from it!
Sometimes its anoying
but most of the time its funny!
So keep up the good spirit!
It's waaayyyy offtopic now, but I sure like to see your kindried spirits here.
All the wars around me make me to forget about such things like that sometimes...
Chris, I know that the nighbour's grass is always greener, but I would take that kind of life any time. It's just getting harder and harder everyday here.
By the way you wrote:
QUOTE: shahar, you're beginning to scare me a bit, its only an airbrush my friend! |
would please explain why? I did'nt get it....