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She looks soooooooo fine!

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  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, July 1, 2004 12:27 PM
It's fine chris! I just did'nt understand your joke. I am allready familier with your humore.
Cool [8D]
  • Member since
    July 2003
  • From: Lower Alabama
Posted by saltydog on Wednesday, June 30, 2004 10:51 PM
QUOTE: would please explain why? I did'nt get it....

dont worry about it shahar, i was just teasing. you've made several comparisions of the hp-cs being sort of like a women you've just met and fell in love with. just trying to jolt you back into reality friend. i meant no harm by it.

QUOTE: Word of advice ... leave the Crimson Tide stuff at the state line. Last I heard it's open season on them.

Laugh [(-D]Laugh [(-D]Thumbs Up [tup]

Chris The Origins of Murphy's Law: "In the begginning there was nothing, and it exploded."!!! _________ chris
  • Member since
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  • From: USA
Posted by MusicCity on Wednesday, June 30, 2004 8:22 PM
QUOTE: Hmm... sounds like there are several "labels" that one have to wear for being a redneck.

IT's one of those things that you have to understand to understand. It's kind of hard to explain, but Jeff Foxworthy is a comedian and tells jokes about this part of the country.

QUOTE: I was born in Israel, my girlfriend (Not the new Japanese girl...Tongue [:P]) was born in the Ukraine. In1991 Many Russian (Jews mostly) came to Israel after the breakup of the Soviet unione, Now days there nomber is about 1.6 Millione.

I never would have thought there were that many Russians in Israel now. I knew there were quite a few, but never would have guessed there were that many.

QUOTE: Israel is a complete mix up of people from all over the world. Since the 1950's people from Europe (Polish, Rumanian, Turkish, French, and so on...) and people from Yemen Iraq Iran Moroco Algere Libya Egypt Tunisia and on and on... came to israel.
The nomber of combinations here is endless! Yet from one unexplainable reason we divide and label.

We are as well. This country is a combination of every country in the world I think.

QUOTE: It's waaayyyy offtopic now, but I sure like to see your kindried spirits here.

It doesn't matter ... it's your thread and you are in the middle of it now Smile [:)] Besides, it's all in good fun and we enjoy your company.
Scott Craig -- Nashville, TN -- My Website -- My Models Page
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  • From: USA
Posted by MusicCity on Wednesday, June 30, 2004 8:13 PM
What is sad about Jeff Foxworthy is, he's not lying or exaggerating most of the time. its funny, but true in most cases!!

More than people would think! I ran a survey crew for 12 years and did surveys in some out of the way places. A lot of what Foxworthy says truly does represent some parts of this area Smile [:)]

QUOTE: i dont care that much for racing either.

Jeeeeeez .... don't say that so loud around here!!! Can you at least spell NASCAR?

QUOTE: scott, i'm headed your way tomorrow (thursday 1) to columbia TN. i'm already taking preventive medication for when i start seeing those "Vols Country" signs on the side of the roads. and whats with the chevy malibu state trooper cars? what a dorky looking ride for a state trooper car. that cracks me up but i still slow down!!Big Smile [:D]

Word of advice ... leave the Crimson Tide stuff at the state line. Last I heard it's open season on them.

What's the deal with the Malibu? Simple, in two words: "Lowest Bidder" .

Be careful on the roads. It gets crazy around holidays, but I'm sure you know that.

Scott Craig -- Nashville, TN -- My Website -- My Models Page
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 30, 2004 6:58 PM
QUOTE: i could care less about a 4-wheel drive, don't even own a firearm except for a benjamin pellet gun i got when i was a kid, i dont have pieces of cars lying around in my yard (though my brother does), i have no desire to hunt, fish, modify my engine in any way, shape or form, dont like country music, dont go near rivers much at all or go camping, nor do i care to. i dont care that much for racing either. yes, i check up on matt kenseth and tony stewart because i love DeWalt tools and buy most of them at Home Depot. but, i do speak the language fluently

Hmm... sounds like there are several "labels" that one have to wear for being a redneck.

That is so true even here in Israel. Angry [:(!]Disapprove [V]

I was born in Israel, my girlfriend (Not the new Japanese girl...Tongue [:P]) was born in the Ukraine. In1991 Many Russian (Jews mostly) came to Israel after the breakup of the Soviet unione, Now days there nomber is about 1.6 Millione.
She speaks Russian with her mom and dad, she speaks hebrew with me. We are two completly different people yet we communicate like we know each other for years.
My parents were born in Moroco and Tunisia(!). "Usually" people like me should were a dark skin. Not dark brown but more of a dark tan. I am the complete opposite. I am very white with green eyes, so no one can tell my true origin since I'm not in the "Standardly-expected-look".
To Israeli eyes, I'm beeing mistakin as when one sees me he will automaticly "Label" me as a Russian born.
Even Russian born are beeing missled and speak to me in Russian.

For some sad and stupid reason, it's allways "important" to know where youre parents were born and where do you live.
How stupid is that?!?!?!Dead [xx(]
Israel is a complete mix up of people from all over the world. Since the 1950's people from Europe (Polish, Rumanian, Turkish, French, and so on...) and people from Yemen Iraq Iran Moroco Algere Libya Egypt Tunisia and on and on... came to israel.
The nomber of combinations here is endless! Yet from one unexplainable reason we divide and label.

Ofcourse that everything here is in a good spirit cause after all you are all americans, and the 4th of july is just around the cornerHappy B-Day [bday]
so you'd better be friends...Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]

But I just wanted to show you guys that there is no way of escaping from it!
Sometimes its anoying but most of the time its funny!
So keep up the good spirit!

It's waaayyyy offtopic now, but I sure like to see your kindried spirits here.
All the wars around me make me to forget about such things like that sometimes...

Chris, I know that the nighbour's grass is always greener, but I would take that kind of life any time. It's just getting harder and harder everyday here.Disapprove [V]

By the way you wrote:

QUOTE: shahar, you're beginning to scare me a bit, its only an airbrush my friend!

would please explain why? I did'nt get it....

  • Member since
    July 2003
  • From: Lower Alabama
Posted by saltydog on Wednesday, June 30, 2004 4:36 PM
What is sad about Jeff Foxworthy is, he's not lying or exaggerating most of the time. its funny, but true in most cases!!Big Smile [:D] i don't consider myself a bonefied redneck because i can't answer "yes" to hardly any of those "you might be a redneck if" lines. but i know plenty that can friend!!!Disapprove [V] i could care less about a 4-wheel drive, don't even own a firearm except for a benjamin pellet gun i got when i was a kid, i dont have pieces of cars lying around in my yard (though my brother does), i have no desire to hunt, fish, modify my engine in any way, shape or form, dont like country music, dont go near rivers much at all or go camping, nor do i care to. i dont care that much for racing either. yes, i check up on matt kenseth and tony stewart because i love DeWalt tools and buy most of them at Home Depot. but, i do speak the language fluently. later.

scott, i'm headed your way tomorrow (thursday 1) to columbia TN. i'm already taking preventive medication for when i start seeing those "Vols Country" signs on the side of the roads. and whats with the chevy malibu state trooper cars? what a dorky looking ride for a state trooper car. that cracks me up but i still slow down!!Big Smile [:D]
Chris The Origins of Murphy's Law: "In the begginning there was nothing, and it exploded."!!! _________ chris
  • Member since
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  • From: Hayward, CA
Posted by MikeV on Wednesday, June 30, 2004 9:40 AM
That was great Scott! Laugh [(-D]Laugh [(-D]Laugh [(-D]
This is starting to sound like a Jeff Foxworthy skit now. Tongue [:P]


Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom. " Charles Spurgeon
  • Member since
    July 2003
  • From: Lower Alabama
Posted by saltydog on Wednesday, June 30, 2004 9:28 AM
Laugh [(-D]Big Smile [:D]Sad [:(]Black Eye [B)]Black Eye [B)]Clown [:o)]
Chris The Origins of Murphy's Law: "In the begginning there was nothing, and it exploded."!!! _________ chris
  • Member since
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  • From: USA
Posted by MusicCity on Wednesday, June 30, 2004 5:23 AM
Hey Scott, can you believe this guy? That Alabama humidity has really started to deteriorate his brain. I thought Alabama was a buy American state? I think I am going to have to round up some of the good 'ol boys from Birmingham and come on over and show this boy what we think of them 'thar foreign airbrushes.

It wouldn't work, Mike. It's a good thought, but it wouldn't work. Try as you might you probably couldn't find a half dozen people in the whole state of Alabama that would even understand what the term "Airbrush" meant. "I used to have me a HAIR brush, back when I had hair, and I used to have me a TOOTH brush, back when I had teeth, but why in tarnation would you want to brush the AIR???"

And even if you did, THAT'S when he'd hide the Iwata and whip out the Omni and say, "See! Made in America!"

Just kidding, Chris. I have a lot of friends in Alabama and it's a great place.
Scott Craig -- Nashville, TN -- My Website -- My Models Page
  • Member since
    July 2003
  • From: Lower Alabama
Posted by saltydog on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 11:57 PM
mike, that whipping post smilie is just too funny!!!Laugh [(-D]Laugh [(-D]Laugh [(-D] nice comeback i must say!!!Big Smile [:D]Black Eye [B)]Black Eye [B)]Angry [:(!]

shahar, you're beginning to scare me a bit, its only an airbrush my friend!Big Smile [:D]
Chris The Origins of Murphy's Law: "In the begginning there was nothing, and it exploded."!!! _________ chris
  • Member since
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  • From: Hayward, CA
Posted by MikeV on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 10:38 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by saltydog

and i echo my friends mike and scott as we just like to hack on each other from time to time. they know that iwata is the best and that they made a mistake buying their badger products, but hey, my philosophy is live and let live.Big Smile [:D]Wink [;)]Tongue [:P] later.

Hey Scott, can you believe this guy? That Alabama humidity has really started to deteriorate his brain. I thought Alabama was a buy American state? I think I am going to have to round up some of the good 'ol boys from Birmingham and come on over and show this boy what we think of them 'thar foreign airbrushes. Laugh [(-D]


Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom. " Charles Spurgeon
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 10:20 PM
Thanks Mike V!

QUOTE: saw Cliff and your English is so good I just jumped to a conclusion

Thank you Scott!
That's a very nice compliment!!!Wink [;)]
Please dont appologize!Cool [8D]
The only reason I told you guys my name is because I wondered "wait, who's Cliff??"

Chris, This thread will never end with sentences like this one:
QUOTE: they know that iwata is the best and that they made a mistake buying their badger products
but it's fine by me, I cant stop laughing! Laugh [(-D]
Not about Badger ofcourse (...Yet, and I promise I'll do that if you'll drag me into it).

Well I'm taking my steps slowly with my Eclipse, and I dont think I can describe it in words! I'm speachless! Thumbs Up [tup]
Thank you Iwata! Bow [bow]
  • Member since
    July 2003
  • From: Lower Alabama
Posted by saltydog on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 9:58 PM
WOW scott!! you were way off huh?! don't worry about it shahar, people from Tennessee are strange to say the least. stay away from people like that friend!Big Smile [:D]

in all seriousness, we here at this forum are glad that you like your purchase. and i echo my friends mike and scott as we just like to hack on each other from time to time. they know that iwata is the best and that they made a mistake buying their badger products, but hey, my philosophy is live and let live.Big Smile [:D]Wink [;)]Tongue [:P] later.

ps. boy, i can already feel the reprecussion from this one!!Black Eye [B)]Big Smile [:D] have at it boyz, this thread ain't dead yet!! Clown [:o)]
Chris The Origins of Murphy's Law: "In the begginning there was nothing, and it exploded."!!! _________ chris
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  • From: USA
Posted by MusicCity on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 9:43 PM
My name is not Cliff. My name shahar.

Shahar, I apologize again. It's been that kind of week so far. I saw Cliff and your English is so good I just jumped to a conclusion. Sorry about that.
Scott Craig -- Nashville, TN -- My Website -- My Models Page
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 8:52 PM
Ahhh... allow me to correct somthing...

My name is not Cliff. My name shahar. (yea difficult to pronounce...) the middle H is like in the word Hanucka. So Sh stands for the first letter (in hebrew) and Modeler, well that obviose. some people say I should write my name Shachar, but the 'ch' will probably be pronounced like the word Czeck republick.... so I prefer it that way.

Cliff burton was the bass player of Metallica (Yes, I am a Flyboy-treadhead-metalhead). He died in 1986 in a horrible bus accident)
I only quoted one of the songs that he wrote, I put it in my "favourite quote" cause these lonesome words really speaks to me.


  • Member since
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  • From: Hayward, CA
Posted by MikeV on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 8:29 PM

I agree with Scott. We love to play around like the Ford and Chevy guys do. Wink [;)]
All that matters is that you like your airbrush and that is the ONLY thing that is important.
Keep us informed on how you like it.



Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom. " Charles Spurgeon
  • Member since
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  • From: USA
Posted by MusicCity on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 8:00 PM
Cliff, for my part in pulling your thread off topic I apologize.

Chris (saltydog), MikeV and I are always barbing each other about Iwata vs. Badger and it is all in jest. Iwatas are great airbrushes and so are Badgers. Just like many other things, the difference is simply in which one you prefer.
Scott Craig -- Nashville, TN -- My Website -- My Models Page
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 7:40 PM

What's going on here?!?!
I did'nt want to start a debate but I guess it was inevitble Sad [:(]

Look, I dont feel I want to take part in the Iwata Vs. Badger war. To my opinione the Eclipse is the best all arounder AB out there for me

I dont want to degrade any paasche, badger or any other brand fans.
I did tried it today and yesterday. It is a dream come true!
I could'nt even get any close to that kind of performance with my old Paasche VL.

Woodbeck3, I'm sure you like your omni and thats fine with me. I belive that Airbrushes are the tool that we can express our true artistic nature (please dont laugh I now it sounds too philosophic).
I dont like the smily you used (Approve [^]) it's kinda telling me "Hey, ShModeler Mine is better then yours"
Maybe it was'nt your attempt and maybe it was'nt aimed at me, but it sure made me feel like that.
But when thinking about the nature of men, I guess it's hopeless to avoide such clashes. So woodbeck3, all forgiven!Approve [^]

I really like my new Iwata. I think it's the best thing ever happened to me in my modelling life. Yep! it's even better then "getting that most wanted kit" because Without the-best-for-me AB it would be crap!

Well Chris, Kingthad and all the other Iwata lovers, I guess I'm on your side now.
Hmmm.... feels like the Army again.
You dont want to be there but you have to cause this is life. My 2 cents [2c]
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 5:46 PM
Hmm low pres and gravity fed...think the omni will be fine Approve [^]
  • Member since
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  • From: Lower Alabama
Posted by saltydog on Monday, June 28, 2004 11:39 PM
jeff, i'm planning my next victim soon my friend. it gonna be an F4F wildcat that hopefully has seen better days. hope it turns out. you're definetly gonna want to get that iwata on the way asap for weathering though!!Wink [;)]Tongue [:P]Big Smile [:D]
Chris The Origins of Murphy's Law: "In the begginning there was nothing, and it exploded."!!! _________ chris
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, June 28, 2004 11:21 PM
wow, mike, a topic without smilies!!!

Smile [:)]Big Smile [:D]Cool [8D]Blush [:I]Tongue [:P]Evil [}:)]Wink [;)]Clown [:o)]Evil [}:)]Wink [;)]Clown [:o)]Black Eye [B)]Eight Ball [8]Sad [:(]Shy [8)][:0]Angry [:(!]Dead [xx(]Sleepy [|)]Kisses [:X]Approve [^]Disapprove [V]Question [?]Angry [:(!]Approve [^]Big Smile [:D]Black Eye [B)]Blush [:I]Clown [:o)]Cool [8D]Dead [xx(]Disapprove [V]Disapprove [V]Eight Ball [8]Evil [}:)]Kisses [:X]Question [?]Sad [:(]Shock [:O]Shy [8)]Sleepy [|)]Smile [:)]Tongue [:P]Wink [;)]Alien [alien]Angel [angel]Ashamed [*^_^*]Banged Head [banghead]Blindfold [X-)]Bow [bow]Captain [4:-)]Censored [censored]Chef [C=:-)]Confused [%-)]Cowboy [C):-)]Dinner [dinner]Dunce [D)]Grumpy [|(]Happy B-Day [bday]Headphones [{(-_-)}]Laugh [(-D]Mischief [:-,]My 2 cents [2c]Oops [oops]Pirate [oX)]Sigh [sigh]Sign - Ditto [#ditto]Sign - Dots [#dots]Sign - Off Topic!! [#offtopic]Sign - Oops [#oops]Sign - Welcome [#welcome]Sign - With Stupid [#wstupid]Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]SoapBox [soapbox]Thumbs Down [tdn]Thumbs Up [tup]Whistling [:-^]Wow!! [wow]Yeah!! [yeah]Zzz [zzz]
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, June 28, 2004 11:21 PM
BADGER!! ok I got it outta my system. Hats off to ya Rooster for standing your ground and giving your feeling...I dont agree with ya but gotta respect it.

Now to BADGER ya, you see I used an iwata years ago, what I used to model with back then, but they werent that good. I then bought a badger 200 and was equally frustrated with it. Now I have an aztek and cant wait to get my new BADGER in the mail. Plus I have already chosen which Iwata I am gonna get ofr my second brush, you see I am from that old mold that uses 2 brushes to do models in. with the way brushes are now I wont actually need to have my Iwata but no artist of this field should be without an BADGER or an iwata. God bless us paint throwers!! Now Paashe...that was the very first airbrush I ever owned and you notice I am going BADGER and Iwata...Wink [;)]. me another plane will ya Wink [;)], I need some more reference pics.
  • Member since
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  • From: Hayward, CA
Posted by MikeV on Monday, June 28, 2004 9:43 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by roosterfish

I can see in the horizon the anti-Iwata gang is massing for a strike on this thread.

I often wondered why so many people hate Iwata airbrushes at FSM?

Who said they hate Iwata?

QUOTE: Other web sites that mention Iwata tell of the airbrush being at least equal to other brands. I've never badgered other company's airbrushes like people that hate Iwata here. Only at the FSM web site do people slam Iwata so unjustly.

Slam Iwata? Who does that? I have never read any thread that said that Iwata was junk, have you?

QUOTE: The Iwata airbrush will spray equally to other brands of airbrushes.

I agree.

QUOTE: Then that hatred is projected to the people who compliment an Iwata/Japanese product. A lot of people that bash Iwata airbrushes have barely touched one or not at all. Bashers snipe Iwata airbrushes without any justifiable reason as to why it is so bad so it leaves the readers of these threads a mystery.

Once again I ask, who has done that?

QUOTE: People also leave snide remarks about how much better their airbrushes or they are to downgrade anyone that owns or compliments an Iwata. Is it some kind of sad power-trip or adrenaline rush other airbrush owners have?

Have you ever considered that fact that most of those type posts are just good natured ribbing?

QUOTE: It seems when someone comments they like an Iwata that owners of other airbrushes like to hijack their thread to the other brands of airbrushes. Is that fair to the poster of the thread? No, it is not.

I agree, but we all enjoy a little fun don't we?

You chose Iwata and there are a few people here that like to use that brand. Stand your ground and don't let others tell you to change your choice.

I agree


Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom. " Charles Spurgeon
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, June 28, 2004 8:26 PM
to each his own
  • Member since
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  • From: Stockton CA USA
Posted by roosterfish on Monday, June 28, 2004 5:38 PM
I stand corrected. Thank you.
Winners never quit; quitters never win.
  • Member since
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  • From: Lower Alabama
Posted by saltydog on Monday, June 28, 2004 5:12 PM
rooster, i think you are wrong. i've been posting here for a while now and was a badger fan that crossed over to iwata. nobody has slandered me or tried to badger me and make me feel bad about my decision. badger is the #1 selling airbrush out there because, from what i gather, their availability, customer service (though i've never had to use it), and price. i chose to try iwata because of the good things i heard about it from this forum and other places on the web. as far as hijacking other people's thread, heck i'm guilty of doing that myself but it is all out of fun and i try to insert the proper symbols to let people know that i'm teasing. you, on the other hand, have hijacked this thread for no apparent reason. nobody on this thread is being beligerent in my opinion but you. everybody is going along cool, but i think you started the hostilities yourself.

on the lighter side, you have very informative posts on here and they played a part in my decision process on buying an iwata. i love my iwata's and could care less what other modellers buy as long as they are happy with there decisions. and i agree, who can make a claim that this airbrush is better than that one if they haven't used one as long as the other and vise versa. i used an omni 5000 for 5 months atleast 6 hours or more a week, but when i picked up the iwata hp-cs, i was instantly hooked. i can't say that for the hp-c as i had trouble fitting the model paint throught the small .3mm nozzle. once i converted it to the .4mm n/n i was in love with 2 airbrushes. no one can convince me otherwise. in my opinion, the hp-cs is a better airbrush than the omni 5000. does that make it so? ofcourse not!! the next person will say the opposite. oh well, we'll never get to the bottom of this and i wonder why we post in these threads. we have found time and again that they lead to cirlces.

Chris The Origins of Murphy's Law: "In the begginning there was nothing, and it exploded."!!! _________ chris
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  • From: Dallas
Posted by KINGTHAD on Monday, June 28, 2004 4:49 PM
I have Had mine for about a month and lovin every second with her

  • Member since
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  • From: Stockton CA USA
Posted by roosterfish on Monday, June 28, 2004 2:34 PM
I can see in the horizon the anti-Iwata gang is massing for a strike on this thread.

I often wondered why so many people hate Iwata airbrushes at FSM? Other web sites that mention Iwata tell of the airbrush being at least equal to other brands. I've never badgered other company's airbrushes like people that hate Iwata here. Only at the FSM web site do people slam Iwata so unjustly. The Iwata airbrush will spray equally to other brands of airbrushes.

It seems to me a lot of people really hate the company name or maybe the country of origin. Then that hatred is projected to the people who compliment an Iwata/Japanese product. A lot of people that bash Iwata airbrushes have barely touched one or not at all. Bashers snipe Iwata airbrushes without any justifiable reason as to why it is so bad so it leaves the readers of these threads a mystery. People also leave snide remarks about how much better their airbrushes or they are to downgrade anyone that owns or compliments an Iwata. Is it some kind of sad power-trip or adrenaline rush other airbrush owners have? Would a German made airbrush be bashed as the Iwata airbrushes are?

It seems when someone comments they like an Iwata that owners of other airbrushes like to hijack their thread to the other brands of airbrushes. Is that fair to the poster of the thread? No, it is not.

It sure seems like a lot of energy wasted in hatred about a doing a hobby we all enjoy. I like to help other people and have them help me rather than to insult them.

ShModeler, I'm proud that you independently chose the airbrush you loved without being swayed by any bias or prejudice. I would endorse any airbrush you found that worked for you.

You chose Iwata and there are a few people here that like to use that brand. Stand your ground and don't let others tell you to change your choice.

This is just my two cents.

Now go spray a French blue on anything. You’ll love that new airbrush of yours so well you’ll blow it a kiss.
Winners never quit; quitters never win.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, June 28, 2004 12:53 PM
.......our relationship has been true since the day we met
she's chrome and rouge........she's sleek..........and always ready.......
her name is Paache' H as well.........and whoa the magic i've learned when she's ready.......she's taught me well ............and soothes all my coloured needs.........Wink [;)]
the best the one in my hand
repeat after me............the best airbrush..........yada........yada.......yada............

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