I have seen alot of posts asking about paint colors and what matches with different brands of paint. I always post about this book in their posts but i figuered is was best to put it in a post of it's own.
Now the first section is basic modeling technics whic most of us already know but for the novice starting out it is pretty informative. The back section of the book is what makes it worth the 17.00 i paid for it.
The Second section is the product guide. It centers around Testors products but the thinning ratios and curing information is applicable to any brand.
The Third section is the Refernce section. It has color cross reference charts and conversion tables. first you come to the 3 pages of color swatches which are testors colors but when trying to figure an aproximate color it is great.
Then you come to the cross reference tables whic are organized by enamel and acrylics then by manufaturer and also by country and war. They go as far as to list years that the color was used by the listed military.
So if you get a chance pick up this book. If you can't find it just email me and I would be happy to look up some info.