And the winner is....
Well, not yet a winner, that's just the final round up
- Badger 155 Anthem
- T&C Omni 4000
- Iwata Revolution CR
yes i know it... one it's bottom feed the others are gravity...
I can't decide... keep in mind that I'll use the AB for cars modelling (1/20 F1 and 1/12 bikes).
All three are one needle/nozzle solution for all type of patterns; fine/wider.
The 155 attracts me for:
- fast disassembling for cleaning
- classic (at least for me..) layout with bottom/siphon feed, I'll put frequent use colors (ca. 10..) in 3/4oz glass bottles and .. screw in, screw out the bottle, clean the siphon tube and so on..
the Omni and the CR attracts me for the, apparently, faster and simplier;
fill in/pour out the paint from the color cup, and consequential cleaning of the AB. Plus the ability to use them with lowest air pressures.
I've read somewhere that Badger's trigger is somewhat "hard", and after a 10mins session, your finger could be a bit... tired...
Which one produces the finest patterns?
I'm a bit scared from expensive spare parts of the Iwata.
please help make my final decision !
thanks , Nik