Thanks for the advice, guys. I went ahead and shot the Tamiya paint tonight and I have to say I have alot to learn about shooting acrylics. The definatly don't seem to be as forgiving as enamels when it comes to spraying.
Let me ask a few questions based on this experience. First of all, compared to enamels, should acrylics be mixed with more or less thinner? Also, what about pressure? I usually spray my enamels around 15 psi. The acrylics I couldn't tell as I was having a hard time getting the paint to thinner ratio right.
Next question concerning fading. The bottom color is a light tan and the top color is a dark tan. I had a scrap peice that was sprayed the same way and I took a small sheet of 2000 grit sandpaper and slightly wet-sanded the darker tan. Doing so begain to show the lighter color underneith. I thought it created a very interesting effect. I will admit however that it seemed to look ,more like slight chipping than fading. Anyway, has anyone tried this? Is this another good way to possibly produce a fading effect?
Thanks for the help on this guys.