I agree with Mike. I bought the Csatrol wheel cleaner by mistake and it does not work.
I tried a product called Goo Gone Made by Magic America Corp. It is citrus based. I soaked it overnight and theTestors enamal paint that I had used came off with a light scraping, and a tooth brush. I used a tongue depresser as a scrapper, but you can use another piece of plastic or something that won't damage the plastic. It will loosen up glue joints. The bottle label says it may dull some plastics. I didn't notice any difference. I haven't repainted as of yet, so I don't know if the product has an adverse effects.
Don't mix this up with a product called Goof Off by Lilly Ind. The label on this says it may damage plastics. It is mineral based and flamable. Both products are used for removing tape, gum stickers, wax, crayons etc.
Good luck, Scat