it has been awhile since i had the itch for a new airbrush. not that there is anything at all wrong with my precious HP-CS, the BEST airbrush that i have found for modelling, but now i want 2!!! i want one for acrylics, and one for enamels, but i'm certainly eyeballing the possibility of purchasing the HP-CR for my acrylic gun. everybody that uses one on this forum has no complaints about them. i'm looking at the size of my Omni 5000's tip, and comparing it with the size of the iwata .5mm conversion set, and just from the eyeball view, the .5mm still looks a tad smaller that the omni's standard tip. also, the taper of the 2 airbrushes needles seem to be fairly close, but with such small tolerances, a little difference could mean alot different spray patterns too. with that said, my thinking is that i should be able to get the same fine lines with the CR that i used to achieve with the omni 5000 when she was my airbrush of choice. plus, the price of the CR is very attractive, and i already know the quality of iwata products............EXCELLENT!!! anybody got any input? later.
BTW, i'm setting up auctions on ebay to sale my omni 5000, hp-c, badger 200G, and paasche H. i'm gonna try and recover some cash for the purchase of my new airbrush, then maybe a kit or 2.