I still have a bunch of them, but they aren't usable. I keep them around as a keepsake. One group has 15 cents printed on top of the bottle, the next group has 35 cents printed on the top. Testors then decided it wasn't worth the effort and quit putting the price on them. I think I got the 15 cent bottles about 40 years ago :)
Go with a double-action airbrush. As the others have said it is worth the effort of learning to use it. I would hate to try to do soft-edged camo with a single-action brush. Get a Badger, Iwata, or Paasche and you'll never be sorry. Get an off brand and you will be sorry sooner or later. Figure around $75 for a good airbrush and around $100 for a compressor.
You have two choices for paints; enamel or acrylic. There isn't a lot of laquer-based model paint, a little but not much. Enamels paint a little better, but acrylics clean up with water or mild solvents (Windex, alcohol, etc.). They also dry so fast they cause "Tip Dry" in airbrushes. Not having to deal with enamel solvents and thinners is a big plus in my opinion, and I'd never to back to enamels again.