Yeah, canned air is a rough thing to deal with. Been there, won't go back.
People tend to get real fixated on thinning paint, and think it's the secret formula to airbrushing. In reality, it don't mean nothin'. Pressure is more important because it is literally the driving force is behind the paint. Thinning the paint is simply a means to get it to flow and atomize at a given pressure. Manufacturers usually sell it thicker than necessary because it's 1) Easier to hand brush than thin paint, and 2) Easier to make paint thinner than it is to make it thicker. PolyScale comes out of the bottle about the consistency of water, and it sprays beautifully out of my airbrush down to about 7 psi right from the bottle.
I have seen some paint that I just plain could never get to spray properly. Badger ModelFlex was one of them, and Tamiya Gloss Black was another. I thinned them every way I could think of, and tried pressures from 10 psi to 40 psi. The Tamiya finally blew OK at around 40 psi, but needless to say it went everywere.