Like Darson, this is becoming more and more the case concerning the Aztek maintainece problem. Aztek owners are having to resort to disassembling the airbrush to see for themselves what keeps making the airbrush die, or if anything, just to have a look at it's internals. Like Darson, I took it apon myself to dismantle my Aztek repeatedly to do the cleaning myself. For me this was the only logical solution to keep my Aztek alive, preventing it's enevitable death and return to the manufacturer. This worked for over 6 years until I just got fed-up with the airbrush entirely
. In late 2000, I purchased the Iwata Eclipse BCS after reading a review in FSM
. The iwata cost less than the troublesome Aztek, very user friendly, performed beyond my expectations, and and for me, redefined quality, engineering, easy of use and maintainence. I have since settled on the Iwata Revolution (HP-CR) and the HP-C, which rounds out all my airbrushing needs. My old Aztek A470 is used by my 4-year-old daughter and wife for their craft needs
. If you're looking for a replacement for the Aztek airbrush system, for scale modeling concider high quality brands from the folowing munufactuerers listed below. Price and availability are pretty resonable from web stores such as and and the like.
1. Iwata: Prices vary from $59-$300(+ or -)
Any Eclipse, Revolution, or High Performance model
2. Badger: Prices from $49-$200 (+ or -)
100HG series(eqivilent to 150 but gravity-feed) 150, 200, Anthem, 360 and Sotar for detailing.
Omni/ Vega: Any (a lower cost option, highly similar to the Iwata Eclipse models)
3. Paasche: Prices from $40-$60
F (not widely known, excellent for detailing, single action, similar to H with smaller tip, sprays anything!)
H (single action, extremely versitile, does it all!)
V or VL (art, movie, hobby industry standard, highly versitile, easy to use/ maintain)
Millinium (same attributes as the VL, only more streamline, same great performance)
Tamiya HG: Any
*New comers are the Hobbico ModelMaker DA400 (gravity-feed) Pro Airbrush and the DA450 (bottom-feed) copies of the Iwata HP-C, and HP-BC2.
It features a gravity-feed side-feed cup(DA400) or bottle attachment (DA450) .3mm nozzle/needle, same high quality Japanease engeneering as the Iwata and Tamyia line. Both airbrushes are double action.
The DA400 double action is priced at $59.99 ($99.99 as a kit) and the DA450 kit at $79.99. Both are due on the market in late Nov. 2004, available from
Greg Williams
Owner/ Manager
Modern Hobbies LLC
Indianapolis, IN.
IPMS #44084