Drybrushing does not include an airbrush. Drybrushing is used to show raised detail and faded paint (usually on armor).
to drybrush-
1. dry brushing comes after you have done a wash and (i put my decals on before, some others dont) sealed it up with a dull coat.
2. Use a paint color slightly lighter than the base color.
3. Use an cheap flat brush (size is up to you, but dont get one too small) and dip it into the lighter paint.
4. get as mush paint off the brush and back into the bottle or pallet and the wipe what ever is left onto a paper towel. wipe until you can barely see the lines. You should have very little paint on the brush, not enough to see thats for sure.
5. drybushing involves lots of scrubing (thats why you use a cheap brush) so to transfer the paint you have to scrub hard and somtimes it may take awhile before you can see the results on raised detail.
6. Repeat the process of wiping paint off the brush and continue until you are satisfied.
I highly recommend practicing alot on old models or practice models. It took me a few tries to get it right.
here is a pic of my most recent build, not the drybrushing effect on the bolts and raised detail.