Chuck, i read the articles on the tamiya website about shooting a model with flat black as a base coat. i tried it on a practice model once and it turned out pretty cool. just personal preference though. it adds a certain unique "dimension" to the weathering steps that is worth the effort IMO, though i prefer post shading and washes better. but go for it and try it out, you may like it.
as far as the suede finish, there are 3 things that could cause this, and you have already touched on 2. the viscosity of your paint, your psi in relation to the viscosity of the paint, and the distance from the kit in relations to the above 2. the HP-C is a great airbrush but the .3mm needle/nozzle combo will be a little finicky with model paints. to offset this, you will have to thin your paint more than usual, start out with a 50/50 ratio at about 12-15 psi, and you should be 2-4 inches from the subject. if you still get the orange peel, then thin your paint even further until you get a silky smooth finish at the said distance from the subject. one other thing that might cause this is your thinner. if you are thinning with lacquer thinner, which is really too "hot", or evaporates at a much faster pace than say mineral spirits, your paint will almost dry before it makes it to the subject. so, i would recomend using mineral spirits instead of lacquer thinner. i like how lacquer thinner cuts enamel paint, so i usually use a 50/50 mixture of lacquer thinner and mineral spirits and the oilyness of the mineral spirits seems to knock off the evaporation charactoristics of straight lacquer thinner to a manageable degree. good luck. later.