Up to now I've always used SnJ Spray Metal, tinting their basic aluminum when needed for adjacent panel variety. You can easily mask over the SnJ, too, as the cured finish is tough, unlike other metallics. SnJ is already thinnned for easy airbushing and comes with a bottle of alumimum polishing powder for adding "grained" buffed panels.
I love SnJ, but....
I have to say, I'm seriously thinking of converting to acrylics for all future metal finishes, largely for health/safety issues. I have done this for my other painting already. I've always found the high VOC fumes of enamels and lacquers unpleasnt to work with even with a resperator mask and vented spray booth. (I've been back in this hobby for 18 years.) But I'm concerned that the final product just won't look as good. Can anyone discuss their experiments and experiences with shooting acrylic metallics? I'd like some feedback.