Woke up yesterday to a beautiful day (CAVU and 80 degrees - supposed to snow tomorrow). Figured I would try to get two or three jobs done around the house and yard that had been put off because of the cold and/or wet weather. The day quickly deteriorated into a series of two steps forwards and on step backwards. Parts were either misplaced or missing, would't fit or wouldn't work. Whole day went like that until suppertime.
After supper, I decided that I would spend the evening airbrushing the three models that were ready (Haven't done that much modeling for the last month or so). After all, that's the thing that is least likely to go wrong, right? Ha! My air supply system consists of 1" pvc pipe w/Tees at the locations I need air (woodworking area, out to carport and modeling room). In the modeling room, it comes through the wall at the corner, turns 90 degrees and goes down below the desk. Anyway, I go to the basement, turn on the compressor and open the valve to the line, and start towards the modeling room. It suddenly dawns on me that I'm hearing SSSSSSSSSSSSSS coming from that room. Discover the leak is just below the elbow that turns the pvc towards the floor. Shut the air off and after a couple minutes of study, determined the problem.
Seems that I had moved the old computor down to my modeling room a couple of weeks ago and at the same time ran Cat 5 cable to it so I could hook it up to DSL and share the one printer with the new computor. I tie wrapped the cable to the PVC and when it reached the wall to the model room, dropped down about an inch and drilled a 1/4 in hole and passed the cable through. Unfortunately, I also drilled through the PVC pipe on the other side of the wall and didn't notice it. Was enough to make me seek out my stash of Cpt Morgan's and see how much damage I could do to it.