hey i have the earlier model i thinkj, its fp200300v... its a good compressor, does the job, but it is a lil on the noisy side. i will fill mine up, then switch it off and keep an eye on the tank pis, coz it keeps on cutting in and out when the psi in the tank drops below a certain point, which is real annoying as it goes on 4 a few seconds, then off for a few, then on again... scared the hell outta me one night when i first got it hehehe.
ps. the psi guage isnt very accurate,m as it only has 6psi increments, im gonna get a jhobby one soon so i have more precise control, but it is okay for now....
pps, when i start to spray the psi on the hose guage drops by aboput 5psi, then when i stop, it goes back up again. firstly, is this normal? and which psi should i go by??