How about a Acrylics complimenting Enamal's thread...
Instead of using either acrylics or enamal's.. how many out there use both.
I for one am a die hard Model master Enamal fan. where i'm at its easy to get and I find it easy to use....
but I say why limit yourself to one line of colors.
In painting my models I tend to to use Model master enamals for my starting point. But to help me get different effects and the color results I want I use Tamiya acrylics, Pollyscale paints, Humbrol enamals, even artist oils and other mediums of the art world.
my last "great" modeling effort was a duce with a Model master enamal basecoat, a pollyscale weathering coat followed by a Tamiya buff filter coat.
So I say go ahead and use both.. for if you limit your paint.... you limit yourself....
lol end of my little rant...