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Got a response from Testors

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  • From: Chicago, USA
Got a response from Testors
Posted by MonsterZero on Thursday, August 25, 2005 5:56 PM
My original email to Testors is on the bottom

Hello Mr. Pajak,

Thank you for your inquiry. The answer to your question depends on what
you are trying to do with the thinner. Are trying to remove dried
acrylic paint or are you thinning to reduce the paint for airbrushing or
other application?

If you are trying to clean dried paint then no, alcohol will not
usually work. You will likely need to use a regular paint thinner (lacquer
thinner) such as acetone. If you are wanting to reduce the paint then
alcohol and even water should work for that. Although we do recommend that
a thinner with a drying retarder be used when airbrushing as this will
likely give you the best results.

If you have any other questions please let us know.

Mike Butterworth
Testor Corporation
440 Blackhawk Park Ave.
Rockford, IL 61104

>>> 08/11/05 01:57PM >>>
Submit Date..: 8/11/2005 2:57:57 PM

Full Name....: Mark Pajak
Company Name.:
Zip Code.....

I think this question will be best answered by one of
your chemists/technologists. In other words, it should be somebody with
hands-on experience with the "Model Master Acryl" line of acrylic

I'm a loyal user of Model Master enamels and I like your line of
"Acryl" acrylic paints as well. In fact, I could switch to acrylics almost
completely, but I am having problems locating a generic thinner for those

Those Acryls have some strange formula and standard Walgreens isopropyl
alcohol does not "bite" into them. You do offer a special thinner and a
dedicated arbrush cleaner but I will not use those products because a)
they're too expensive and b) half the time the dealer won't even have
them on the shelf. I don't want to put myself in the position of having
a full set of acrylic paints by Testors and nothing to thin them with.

If you know a generic, hardware store-available thinner for your
acrylics please let me know and I will be happy to start using them more frequently.

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