It is the first kit I've built in a year or two!!! I have been mostly busy with High School, and graduating from it! It is more important for me to get an extreamly good education!!! Cause I wanna work fir Lockheed some day!!! So I have only been looking on the net (mostly EBAY) for certain hard to get kits before they get eeven harder too find so that I can have later to build in my free time when I get it when I'm over 30years old! The last model kit I built was a Testors 1/72scale B-2 Bomber, and that was two summers ago!!!
So In conclusion; I have BEEN out MORE! Mostly working, and going to collage most of the week!!!
I just so happy that I finally have found what I have been looking for! A Highly reflective foil!!
Though I wish it was a paint!