Thanks, Tom and Scott!
It's not the fumes that worry me—my spray booth moves a lot of air. I also have a vent built into the thing that I spray cleaning solvent through—saves on filter material.
It's the skin contact. It seems that no matter how careful I am, I always get some on my skin. Latex gloves are not an entirely effective barrier. Nitrile are slightly better, but not enough to justify the additional expense.
It's good to know how easy Alclad is to clean up. I recently tried some SnJ I'd had lying around, and wound up tearing down the whole airbrush, even after running a full cup of lacquer thinner through it.
That fume can of Matt Swann's is a elegant idea, though, and I think I'll build one, anyway. No sense contributing to greenhouse gases. It has the added advantage that it makes solvent disposal easy. Just walk outside and dump the rag into the trash.
Thanks again!