What your photographs show appears to be "crawling," as the paint industry calls it. This can have a number of root causes, but it results from either poor bond to the substrate, excessive coating shrinkage, or both.
From your description, the primer appears to be a water-solvent or similar system, as an organic solvent material would probably not be affected by alcohol (although there are some really strange formulations out there.) Lacquer thinner will patially dissolve the styrene—you get great bond, but all the solvent that migrated into the styrene will take days, if not weeks, to migrate out past the coating. That's why it's taking so long to dry.
The "fish-eye" problem you report is caused by localized contaminations—usually oil, but potentially anything—that repel the resin or solvent in the paint. What the contaminant is, in your case, I have no way of telling. It could even be something in the primer, itself. Figuring out what would take a paint lab.
Hope this clears up a little puzzlement.