I'm assuming this is for a standard light gull gray upper / gloss white lower USN scheme based on the AS colors.. with the silver thrown in for good measure. If this is correct, then you can use the following Tamiya Colors in the bottle without too much difference...
For the light gull gray (FS 16440) you can use XF-20 Medium Gray.
For the aluminum (FS 17178) you can use XF-16 Flat Aluminum.
For the underside gloss white (FS 17875) you can use XF-1 Flat White.
Although these are flat paints...ie FS 30000 series, a gloss overcoat will make them look pretty slick, and help with the decaling as well...
Not that I'm a modeling guru by any stretch of the imagination but I hope this helps..
If you want to use acrylics but not necessarily Tamiya's, Testor's Model Master Acryl paints work well, with better FS color matching...