I use 99% isopropyl alcohol to thinn my acrylic paints (tamiya and Gunze). Now from what i have read these paints by themselves are the next best thing to non toxic and only require a dust mask to filter out airborn particles when ABing.
I however am not fimilar with isopropyl alcohol and overlooked this untill ricently. The only relvant warning on the lable is "Keep away form eyes and other mucous membranes.", i assume this is for when using as a antiseptic.
My question:
When airbrushing using this as thinner will it create harmfull fumes that require a cartridge based mask? And are any will the ocasional overspray be harmfull to your eyes?
Mongol General: Conan, What is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven befor you, and hear the lamentations of the woman!