tywebb wrote: |
For example, (these numbers are fictitious, as I don't have my kit in front of me) The directions will call for painting a part "80/53". Then when I revert to the key, there there is no color or number that corresponds, so basically it's not even telling me what color to use. I am actually about five colors short in the key. |
Typically, Hasegawa and Dragon kits give paint call-outs for GS Acrylic and the equivalent colour in GS "Mr Color" paints. The first number (or sometimes known as the "black number/white box" code) is the GS Acrylic paint number and the second ("white number/black box") is the GS Mr Color paint number. It's a "standard" coding system which has been used for years by Hasegawa, Fujimi and Dragon.
eg: H12/33 = Flat Black H12 = GS Acrylic, 33 = GS Mr Color
EDIT: In recent years, Dragon have provided in their kits a colour table which gives 3 paint codes
1: GS "Aqueous" (Acrylic) Black number/white box
2: GS "Mr Color" (Lacquer) White number black box
3: Testors MM