Having a bit of a problem with painting flesh tones on 1/35th scale figures.
I`m using Model Master Acryl 4601 Skin Tone Tint Base Lt. and Model Master Acryl 4603 Skin Tone Warm Tint.
First problem :
What is the ratio of tint to base I need? Either the paint is so thin it doesn`t cover or so thick it covers all the molded facial feature fine details. I`ve gotten colors that vary from graveyard pale to very red sunburn without hitting on the tone I`m after.
Second problem:
The paint dries on the brush and surface I`m painting very quickly, actually before I`m finished painting which causes the paint to clog the brush and clump up on the surface I`m painting.
Should I be thinning this paint, and if so, what with?
Testors web site hasn`t helped and haven`t found an answer using `Search` here.
Had even worse luck with enamels so wanted to give acrylics a try and I`m not having any better sucess.