First off, I'm a Badger fan, have had a 150 for a while and a 100LG since last year, so I'm biased. It would be difficult to imagine a better brush for modeling. It's a spring loaded trigger, so yeah, if you "let go" suddenly it will shut off immediately, but there is a set screw that helps getting back into the "zone" if that happens. This has never happened to me, at least so far.
Dixie Art sells the 100LG with medium needle for $64.95 shipped, but is currently out of stock for at least two weeks. Bear Air has it for $61.40 but doesn't include shipping. $76 isn't a bad price, but it's not the best price. Retail is around $120.
The 200G or 200NH would be excellent second choices if the $20 difference pleases the Chief Financial Officer more.