ok just got done spraying with MM Acryl and i love the results! but for some reason, i kept getting massive tip dry even at low psi. it got so bad that it created a clump on the needle!
Never happened to me with enamels, but i can no longer tolerate the fumes with those guys.
Anyways....should i go out and get acrylic retarder for this? if i can use acrylic retarder, how much do i use? (im really new to the world of acrylics!)
Also.......after airbrushing......i did smell a faint trace of the acrylic fumes....it was way minor than what the enamels gave off!
OH! almost forgot....do i wash these acrylics down the sink or should i put the wastes in a can, then let them evaporate? im really new to these paints and think i like them!
Thx! for the help!