I know you do need to be careful, but hey, for you Aussies out there, you may just find a bargain. I bought a brand new never used Paasche VL on Ebay, and including shipping to Australia (four days with insurance) it came to $67.86 USD, or approx $AUD93.11. This was the Paasche VL set with the airhose, three different bottles, all the needles etc. At a model shop here in Australia, the same set would have set me back over $AUD200!!! A quite substantial saving methinks. However, the POS Aztek that I have thankfully upgraded from originally set me back $AUD120 from a pawn shop, which was cheaper than the store price of over $AUD300!!!! So it pays to shop around, as the Aztek was the A4709, in the wooden case, and had never been used. OK, it was a waste of money, but was a brush to learn on. I could have spent over $AUD500 on brushes, yet the two combined have cost me only $AUD213.11. Both brand new never used brushes, although the Aztek was bought here in Aus, I just figured it was worth mentioning that if you go into a pawn shop, you may find a bargain there as well.