Some other input from the peanut gallery:
- think about a paint booth with a fan to draw away fumes. Depending on the paint your using, an airbrush can fill a room with toxic fumes pretty quick.
- get a respirator if your dealing with any type of toxic paints or chemicals. That stuff just eats away at your brain over several years and before you know it you won't be able to tie your shoes.
- get a GOOD compressor or air source. Basically, stay away fro cans. Make sure it has a REGULATOR and can deliver continuous pressure up to about 25 psi. You might not go that high all the time, but it's nice for heavier paints. Noise can be an issue, so make sure you listen to it operate before you buy it and remember that it usually sounds louder in your house than it will in a big department store.
- practice practice practice with all kinds of things like air pressure and paint consistency. I've found it hare to describe the right 'formula' for getting things to work correctly. You just need to know from experience (I'm still learning...)