Chris.... Two things I can think could get some decal bond spray..Testor`s makes it and others. Spray it on the decal side only, if you get it on both sides of the decal paper, the decal will never seperate from it`s backing. You also have to cut the decals, trimming very closely because the bonder bonds the entire surface of the sheet together. I`m thinking those wrinkles will fragment into a million pieces once placed in water, that`s why I`d go with the bonder. Most acrylic clear coat sprays will work too. Even heard of someone using Future floor wax to bond their decal sheet but never tried it myself.
The other option is to roll thedice...try one of the decals as you normally would. If you have a few options for markings, use a decal you don`t plan on using for your kit as a "Guinnea pig" to see what`s going to happen. If it fragments in water, you`ll know for sure you`ll have to use a bonder.
There`s always # C...the aftermarket...
Whatever you decide, good luck!
P.S. You may want to post this question in the "General Modelling" forum...don`t know how much traffic this "Decaling" forum may get more, and better tips than my!