I was going to ask the same question as I am a newbie in the Decal world. My first trip into decal land was the recent purchase of Micro-Mark Clear Decal sheets for Inkjet printers and a can of Testors Decal Bonder.
My next challenge was to find the best (for me) software to produce the artwork. My needs at least in the short term are for numbers and lettering. I tried a free (for 30 days) copy of Papilio, but it was not for me. It did not seem to be suitable for 1:76 or 1:87 scale models which I am into.
I was looking for opinions on which software (free preferred) would be most suitable for work in these scales. I am running XP Pro and Windows 7 Pro, and, Office 2003 and 2010. Then today I stumbled across HERMA. They are a European company and produce software for making labels.
One can do them on line, or download the software. They have over 870 templates which can be downloaded. Downloading the app to a PC, gives you menu and a ribbon for Word 2010. It works with lots of different software.
It took me all of a few minutes today to make some samples on plain paper of decals that I needed, and if I can do it, anyone can. I was going to post some screenshots of HERMA's website but could not figure out how to do that, sorry.
The link may work. www.herma.co.uk/.../free-software.html
Does anyone on the forum have any experience with HERMA?
Peter B.